» Thread Locker 4050 50g medium strength
Thread Locker 4050 50g medium strength
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Thread Locker 4050 50g medium strength


Universal product of medium resistance which, by its higher viscosity, fills the slots well. Especially suitable for stainless or galvanized screws. Relatively insensitive to dirty surfaces.

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25.70€ Excluding VAT
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Universal product of medium resistance which, by its higher viscosity, fills the slots well. Especially suitable for stainless or galvanized screws. Relatively insensitive to dirty surfaces. Certified by the DVGW according to DIN 751-1

Medium toughness class
Blue color
Viscosity in mPas 4000 mPas
Breaking torque 21 Nm
Tormenting Couple 10 Nm
Shear strength (pressure) 10 N / mm2
Max play / Thread 0.25 mm M 36
Operating temperature ° C -55 ° C to + 150 ° C
Final adhesion at 25 ° C after ~ 3 hours
NSF / DVGW approval

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