» Instant adhesive universal 5014 30g
Instant adhesive universal  5014 30g
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Instant adhesive universal 5014 30g


Suitable for porous materials and uneven or rough surfaces. It bonds very well ceramics, ferrite, wood, cork, leather and textiles.

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21.70€ Excluding VAT
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Physical Properties (liquid product)

Chemical Base: Cyanoacrylicacid-ethyleste

Colour:  clear/ colourless

Viscosity: 1800 - 2200 mPas at 25°C

Density:   1.09 g/cm3 DIN 51757

Flashpoint: 87°C DIN 55213

Shelf Life:12 month at room temperature


Fixture Time on :
Aluminium / Aluminium: 50 - 70 second 

SBR / SBR - rubber: 7 - 10 seconds

Polycarbonate / Polycarbonate:  15 - 22 seconds

EPDM / EPDM - rubber:  8 - 12 seconds

Final strength: 24 hours



Physical Properties (cured film)

Tensile Shear Strength on: ABS / ABS: material failed

Tensile Force on round rubber profiles:

SBR /SBR - rubber ø18mm: > 1900 N
SBR / SBR 10 Tage/70°C: > 1900 N

EPDM / EPDM - rubber ø16mm:  > 250 N

EPDM / EPDM 10 Tage/70°C:> 220 N

Thermal Range: -30°C up to +80°C

Melting point: 165°C




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