» Gaskets and flange sealants ERGO 4254 50g
Gaskets and flange sealants ERGO 4254 50g
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Gaskets and flange sealants ERGO 4254 50g


Very high viscous, sealing product for flanges out of aluminium and mating parts out of different materials.

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20.45€ Excluding VAT
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To seal non-deformable flanged connections. Particularly suitable for sealing aluminum flanges or when using different material pairs. Do not run, c. to d. so also allows mounting on vertical surfaces or work above the head. Dismantling moderately difficult. Immediate sealing at low pressures. Remains slightly flexible up to a temperature of + 120 ° C.



Red color
Breaking torque Nm DIN 54454> 18
Tormenting torque Nm:> 10
Resist. compression shear N / mm2> 18
Tensile strength N / mm2> 14
Max play mm: 0,50
Operating temperature -55 ° C to + 150 ° C
Final adhesion at 25 ° C after h: 72

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