(1988 copies remaining)
General Characteristics Micro – grain grade with an high hardness and a very high wear resistance. The K10F grade is suitable for a wide range of milling, boring, drilling applications in metalworking, in woodworking and in synthetic materials moulding.
Chemical composition WC (including doping): 90,0% Co: 10,0%
Physical Characteristics Density: 14,42 g/cm³ ± 0,1 Hardness: 92,1 HRA ± 0,3 Coercitive Force: 230 Oe ± 30 Magnetic Saturation: 140-162 G*cm³/g TRS: 3700 N/mm2
Structure Grain Size: 0,8 μm Porosity: Metallographic Analysis: Free of eta – phase and contaminations
Reviews about this Carbide bar K10F round rectified h6 (0 reviews)